We are always in need of
volunteers before during and after the Fair. Please see details below:
Christmas Fair Set Up
- We need lots of help to set up the School Building (bottom,
middle and top floors) and the Parish Center (ground floor).
- Set-up for Fair will be the weekend after Thanksgiving:
- Saturday, November 30: 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
- If you could please help us out for an hour or two, we would be
able to get the work done quickly
- Important Note: Volunteers may need to carry completed theme baskets and plastic totes with supplies, climb stairs and move tables
and chairs.
- Day of the Fair: Following are times we need help in a variety of
- Morning: 7:00AM to 9AM - Assist Crafters with their set up.
- Half Day (Morning): 9:00AM to
- Half Day (Afternoon): 12NOON to
3:00PM (or later for clean up)
- FULL DAY: 9:00AM to 3:00PM (or later for clean up)
- After the Fair: 2:30PM to 6:00PM
We need help to clean tables, sweep floors, move tables & chairs and bring supplies, etc. to storage area upstairs in
Parish Center.
This would be a great way for CONFIRMATION,
HIGH SCHOOL and COLLEGE students to earn service hours.
If you can help us out we would greatly appreciate it. Please email Fran Kirkman at stwmfair@aol.com with the day/time you can
Church Mailing - Thank you to all
the volunteers who helped us get the mailing completed in record time.
At this time, we are all set for
volunteers. We would like to thank the many parishioners who have volunteered to help this year!