Baked Goods, Fudge & Candy
Do you like to bake?
Can you make fudge?
Over the years, we have found people are looking for the following items.
- Brownies
- Loaf breads
- Cookies & Cakes
- Jellies & Jams
- Fudge & Candy
- Pies--Unfortunately, we can no longer accept homemade pies. We can only accept non-dairy
pies from licensed food establishments, such as area bakeries, East Street Farm, Mann’s Orchard, Smolak Farms. Pies are extremely popular so if you can help us out by donating a pie, we
would greatly appreciate it.
Please bring all Baked Goods & Fudge to the Rectory by Friday, December 6th or early
morning on the day of the Fair.